Ephesians 6:13-17 - Know Your Gear

April 23, 2023 Preacher: Darryl Dash Series: Standalone Sermons

Passage: Ephesians 6:13–17

1. The Belt of Truth

"Our fight with the dev­il is first and fore­most a fight to take back con­trol of our minds from their cap­tiv­i­ty to lies and lib­er­ate them with the weapon of truth [...]

The dev­il’s pri­ma­ry strat­agem to drive the soul and so­ci­ety into ruin is de­cep­tive ideas that play to dis­or­dered de­sires, which are nor­mal­ized in a sin­ful so­ci­ety [...]

We sin be­cause we be­lieve a lie about what will make us hap­py." 
- John Mark Comer

“We don’t cover our sins but con­fess them. We don’t slan­der but speak hon­est words about oth­ers. 
Putting on the belt of truth is an act of faith that re­sists Sa­tan’s call to be a liar like him.” - Garrett Kell

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness & the Helmet of Salvation

"Our integrity is but as wax before the devil." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

3. The Shoes of Gospel Peace

4. The Shield of Faith

5. The Sword of the Spirit

"When he promis­es fleet­ing plea­sures, we em­u­late Je­sus by strik­ing them down with God’s word.
When he heaps shame and condem­na­tion upon us, we slash them with scrip­tur­al as­sur­ances. 

When we are threat­ened by Sa­tan’s re­quests to sift us, we pray, know­ing that Je­sus ever lives to in­ter­cede for us." - Garrett Kell

"Whether it be the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, or the sword of the Spirit, 

Christians take and re­ceive what has al­ready been achieved for them by Jesus Christ at his victorious cross. 

Jesus gives us the same top-of-the-line heavenly equipment that he used and perfected while he battled for us on earth, de­feat­ing the evil one once and for all." - Harold Ris­tau